Experts in the mobile application industry, as well as newcomers or newcomers, know that being an Android programmer is not easy. In fact, becoming a successful developer requires time and a lot of effort.

Newcomers to Android application development pay the most attention when looking for a job and creating applications. But even the most veteran Android programmer must be attentive and updated in order to make competitive apps in the market and not be left behind.

There are more tips that we would like to give you, but we have stuck to these few, which we consider the most important, or at least we mark them as a starting point.

Knowing the programming language

Logically, if you want an expert in Android programming you need to know the Android programming language. You can develop apps or games for this operating system with different tools. Although normally you use Java, this is not the only option.

In fact, we recommend you to master several languages to be a more versatile and complete Android programmer.

There are many alternatives for programming games for mobile devices and we told you in the article “TOP 6 ENVIRONMENTS FOR CREATING ANDROID APPLICATIONS”.

Among them we find frameworks and programming languages:

  • NativeScript
  • React Native
  • Ionic
  • Xamarin
  • Kotlin
  • Flutter

But when we talk about games, the programming becomes more complex than that of a simple app. That’s why we use different programming tools, more complex tools for more complete results. Some of the development platforms you can use to create mobile games are:

  • Unity 3D
  • Coconuts
  • Marmalade

It is a question of investing time in further learning because a programmer with sufficient knowledge is not successful, but the programmer who is able to program in any way.
And this brings us to the next point, the importance of being up-to-date.

Updated Android Developer is worth two

It seems obvious, but in the world of new technologies, everything changes very quickly. So you have to be aware of possible new developments that may arise. From updates in the operating system, new features in mobile devices, trends in mobile marketing, the app designs that will be taken this year, and so on.

All this influences the way you program and develops a mobile app. That’s why it’s important to be updated in every possible way. A good way is to follow specialized channels, especially online. These are the ones we consider most useful:

  • Programming talks. The traditional talks, lectures, and programming events can be a way to keep in touch with training and specific knowledge. Experiences are shared with other professionals and current events in the sector are discussed.
  • Websites, blogs, and specialized forums. They are usually the fastest channels to offer the latest content, give advice, and support to Android programmers like you. If you follow a few of them you are sure to learn new things and be updated on everything related to Android.
  • Google page. There is nothing more important than keeping an eye on the official channel, which has all the official and most reliable information on the Internet. Don’t hesitate to keep an eye on the dates marked on their calendar to keep up to date.
  • Social networks. Although it is not essential, social networks can be another way to find out what is happening in the Android world.

Having doubts (and making mistakes) is normal

Nobody’s perfect, that’s something we all know from experience. That’s why having doubts and making mistakes is normal, we can all make mistakes. What is really important is to know how to react accordingly to avoid greater evils.

Do you have any doubts? Ask for help

First of all, before you start programming something that you are not very clear about how to proceed and have doubts about, stop! Modesty is your best ally.

Now is the time to ask for help or advice from programmers who know how to do that which you do not and learn from them. This way you will not only keep on training yourself and learning new things, but you will also avoid wasting time programming something that will surely go wrong.

Did you make a mistake? Be honest

If it’s gotten out of hand and you’ve made a mistake, you’ll just have to acknowledge yourself and your team for the slip-up. Keep in mind that every mistake takes time, effort, and resources, so in programming, prevention is better.

And if you can, solve it

If you have the knowledge to be able to solve that mistake, go ahead. If you don’t have it, go to someone who can help you create the app as it was intended. You can use specialized forums and other colleagues.

Learn from your mistakes

And the most important thing is that you learn from every mistake and every doubt you have. This way you will be more and more prepared for greater challenges in the world of programming. And remember, the well-prepared Android programmer, capable of solving problems and overcoming obstacles, is the one who ends up succeeding.


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